We are currently driving down to coos bay for memorial weekend and I figured in my boredom i could create a blog post. At least I'm trying right? This week was pretty hectic but we managed to leave town around 1, unfortunately the weather and traffic were against us, its currently 9 and we still have 2 hours to go. but things are looking brighter, the rain stopped at least :)
So its been a month at T-mobile and so far i am loving my job. Every day is something new and its always challenging and fun. Its also very flexible and I love the overall culture there.
Its also been 7 months in our apartment and although we're not really happy there I think we will end up staying there another year or so. You can't beat the location and the savings is pretty good too. That and we really don't want to move again. This will allow us to save for a new house and even hopefully a baby as well.
Alrighty, back to keeping jeremy company, will write again soon.