We are very excited. Our new house comes with 4 bedrooms + den and a great room with a remodeled kitchen. It has a generous 2 car garage and a big, now treeless, back yard. Here’s a shot I took half way through the process of taking down the tree’s:

So although the inside is fairly updated, the backyard landscaping is going to be a big project for us. We will also have the gigantic task of furnishing our new home and painting! Because our new home also comes with a bright purple, and I mean husky purple, wall in the master & a turquoise wall in the living room.
I’m finding the planning of this to be fun…and have discovered a few websites that I am now officially addicted to. My favorite being: http://www.younghouselove.com/ I am looking forward to using their do-it-yourself (DIY) tips to painting my own furniture and finding deals on craigslist and at thrift stores….since we know we’re not going to have the money for new furnishings right off. But we do need to change some stuff, not all will fit in our new place and we’re in dire need of some new stuff – since after all, most of our furniture are hand-me-downs….we need some stuff of our own, picked out to fit our design idea’s….so for now the turquoise wall will stay (ugh), till I figure out what we want to do in the living room…I can’t wait to see what our ugly green couch looks like in a room of turquoise! Lol…but I have no idea what to do in that room and I’d hate to go to the effort of painting it twice…but trust me, it will be one of our TOP priorities! :)
We officially close this week and we should get the keys on Sunday or Monday. Jeremy will be working hard that week to install new insulation in the attack and paint over the purple in the master…we will be going RED! Oh yes, you heard me…RED! J I’m kinda excited to see it, already picked out our color too we will be officially “Posh Red” lol…so sophisticated :P
So for this week its packing, trying to sell the furniture we don’t need – anyone in need of a glass dining room or cabinet? And getting ready for next week. While jeremy is hard at work I will be working hard to move as much as I can and put together the kitchen and other area’s before the movers come to move the furniture and remaining items on the 27th. As of the end of this month – we will be in a new place! Our own home….I really couldn’t be more excited – in fact, if I was any more excited I think Jeremy’s head might explode…it is the only topic around our tiny box filled apartment right now, I think he will be happy when it moves in a different (not so obsessed) direction.
Oh – and I almost forgot to mention, we bought a daybed! Yes oh yes – we now have a daybed in the dining room, in pieces mind you, but I couldn’t pass the deal up…$240 on craigslist for THE bed that I wanted at Ikea that runs for $700 with the mattresses! Score!! Now we will have a place for people to stay when they come to visit….so take note all you Coos Bay friends & family – you now have no excuses!!! See you soon in 2011….
I’ll keep you posted on more news going forward!