Monday, March 21, 2011


If you didn’t hear it in the news your hearing it now…AT&T purchased T-Mobile.

CRAZY! Didn’t see that one coming.

What does that mean to me? As of now I don’t know, but I do see a new job in my future….how far into my future I cannot tell you, but the end result is they were right…you know the ones that predicted that certain brands would disappear in 2011…we were on that list and sure enough, if it’s not this year it will be early next year, and it’s a sad moment in the Weaver household.

Needless to say we may not have any major renovation or purchase plans to share this year. Our plans this last weekend were furniture shopping, those plans were cut short on Sunday after we heard the news. We did go out on Saturday and I will hopefully have some pictures up soon of our new projects and purchases! Let’s just say….I can see the light!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thrifting fools!

So last weekend Jeremy and I went thrift store shopping. It was a fun event that took us from Everett to Seattle in 3 hours time. We hit many different Value Villages, Goodwill’s and Pawn shops. We didn’t find a lot but what we did find we are totally excited about. Okay, I’m totally excited about them, but he’s excited that I’m excited so we both have lots of excitement going on!

Our first find of the night. A rocking chair!

I know it doesn’t look like much right now, but picture it painted white and then recovered in some funky fabric! A big project maybe, but fun. And I can’t wait to get started on it. The seat and back come off really easily with some bolts on the bottom & back. So painting should be a breeze. And since we have gallons of various white paint that part is practically free. The chair itself was $24.99 and then I also found 10 sheets of sand paper at goodwill for $1.50! Now I just have to find fabric and we’ll have a beautiful chair for way less than any you’d find in the store. Not to mention the love that goes into it. a perfect chair for a future child.

Second and last find of the night. A shoe rack.

I originally bought it thinking it would be for the garage, but after bringing it into the house I found it fit perfectly in our entry way – gave us more storage and looked a lot better than the previous one I had there. And for $6.99 how do you beat that!

Here is a picture as it sits in the entry way. Its not really an entry way, more of a landing since it is a split level, but we hung a coat rack there to give it a more "entry" look...and i think the shoe rack helps complete that :).

So wish me luck on my rocking chair project, I’m going to need it…I’ll keep you posted on its progress!

10 things in 10 days!

As I mentioned before the boys were able to accomplish 10 things in 10 days…and although I wasn't able to get pictures of them doing them, I blame Kristina and those two cute little kids, us girls were also able to accomplish stuff and I did get pictures of those! Here is our list:

  1. We cleaned out the 3rd bedroom, check it out below – nice and perty.
  2. I went shopping with the boys
  3. We went to Sushi…can you believe a 3 year old likes sushi!
  4. We went to crispy creams
  5. We had a party
  6. We went to a party
  7. We got lots of hugs
  8. And more hugs…my little niece Katie gives the BEST hugs! We’re talking that all body hug that includes both the legs and the arms…and then when you tell her she gives such good hugs she squeezes you tighter…oh how I miss those hugs L.
  9. I got sick…yep, accomplished that one alright (Yuck!)
  10. We cleaned….over and over and over again. Lol

Overall we had a great time! I thought I’d use this post to show you how cute my niece and nephew are! I already miss them sooo much. Can’t wait to see them again!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Epic Fail

This is the sticker I saw on the back window of a truck on the way to work this morning. I thought to myself how funny, he must be a gamer. Then I got to work, was thinking about my new project, more about that later, when I realized I hadn’t updated the blog since Jeremy’s family was in town. EPIC FAIL.

So…without further ado please welcome our new stair railings!!!!

*I can hear the screams already* lol…okay okay they’re not that exciting…but I sure was proud of them, I pointed them out and gushed about them for the entire length of our house warming party. It probably had something to do with the fact that I helped paint them. Oh - and the fact that there was not a single person on my side when I said we were painting them white. Everyone wanted to stain them a wood color, and with all our white molding and doors I just couldn't see that. I am super glad that I stuck to my guns, cause the white turned out beautiful!

Check out the in progress shots:

It is actually kind of a funny story. We did these at around 11:30pm. After we got the first coat of paint on Danny looked at me and asked me if this was the same white used all over the house, why yes it is I told him and for the next hour Danny and I walked around painting every little chip and crack throughout the house. Kinda fun and now...all those little things that were driving me crazy are GONE! Awesome! Could not have been a better night :).

Speaking of productive, it was actually a very productive week. And since we all know how much I like lists, here is our completed checklist! Wahoo!

  1. The boys replaced 3 rotted out boards on our back deck,

  2. Fixed the back fence that had fallen down and was leaning on our rhododendrons,

  3. Fixed the daybed (again!) that thing just has all sorts of problems,

  4. Fixed our coffee table which had the shelf on the bottom fall off,

  5. Replaced our old hot water heater with a new .95 efficiency one! For whatever reason the fittings on top were leaking and about once a week we would find a puddle of water in our garage…should not have that problem anymore!

  6. They fixed my bar stools that had become very wobbly – thanks to a little glue they are as good as new!

  7. Installed a 2nd shelf in our hall closet

  8. Installed downstairs blinds

  9. Moved our house numbers – they used to be on a part of the house that was not lit up in the dark, now they are right above our door, nice and bright.

  10. And of course…installed the hand rails.

10 things in 10 days…not to shabby!