A quick recap of the 3 weeks that led to her birth....we had my family shower which was wonderful and the Weavers came into town to visit, so we were able to spend time with them. We also had our maternity photo shoot at gas works park that weekend (photo's to come). The next weekend we had our birthing and infant care classes - very glad to get that done early - please take note! And the next weekend was mothers day. We went out whale watching in Anacortes. A great trip...but before we left Jeremy said to me, are you sure this is a good idea, what if the baby comes early? I laughed and said no way would she come this early....can you say eat my words? 3 days later I was in the hospital and on track to receive my first child. Crazy....

How far along?: 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 30 lbs
How big is baby?: About 19 inches, 6.25 pounds - the length of a swiss chard! Since she was born this day, we do know that 19 inches is correct - but she was only 5lbs 6oz, so little.
Maternity clothes?: Yep, big as could be at this point
Stretch marks?: Managed without anymore.
Sleep?: Same as every week prior.
Best moment this week?: The birth of my daughter.
Movement?: I felt everything the closer we got, she moved my entire stomach you could watch her dance.
Food cravings?: Sweets.
Labor signs?: LOL.
Belly button in or out?: Stayed In.
What I miss: Having time, I feel like there is so much to do and trying to get it all done just takes everything out of you. Hopefully we will be done soon....(my comment from 34 weeks - and its just comical now)
What I'm looking forward to this week: Well it wasn't labor! But mother nature had other plans...
Weekly Wisdom: Pack your hospital bag early, and be prepared for anything.
Milestone: At 37 weeks, full term...and just in time.