I tracked my pregnancy with Bree and have found it fun to go back and look at it now. I’m also planning on putting it into a book form so that she can have it when she is older. I thought for this next little girl that I should try to do the same thing so that she can have that same memory as well. I will admit how much harder it is to find the time to do this when you have a crazy little toddler running around who no longer naps though!
But here goes. Baby Girl #2…

How far along?: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 2lbs – I started out 8 lbs heavier than I did with Bree, at this point with her I had gained 7 lbs, so I’m only slightly bigger than I was with her. I blame this on the fact that I actually lost a lb in my first trimester due to being soooo super sick!
How big is baby?: 5.5 inches – the size of a bell pepper.
Maternity clothes?: My bump started sticking out at 12 weeks and at 16 weeks I gave up on the rubber band trick and brought out my maternity clothes. Last weekend I went over to Kathryn’s and basically picked up my entire (AWESOME) wardrobe for the next 6 months and was wearing stylish pants all week this past week. Not really able to wear maternity tops yet, I’m not quite that big, but the pants are so much more comfortable.
Stretch marks?: Nope, I broke out the lotion I used all through my pregnancy with Bree, and I was lucky enough to avoid them with her, hoping for the same result this time around.
Sleep?: All through my first trimester I woke up 1-3x per night to go pee, that seems to have reduced. I now manage one wakeup or on some night even none! But I definitely get up earlier on those days.
Best moment this week?: This morning the baby was moving so much Jeremy was actually able to feel her! She is a strong one!
Movement?: Oh ya! Started feeling her around 15 weeks, a week earlier than Bree and they just keep getting stronger. Bree has continued to be an active kid even outside the womb so I’m sure to have two very active children.
Food cravings?: Ice tea and popcorn. I have never drank as much ice tea as I have in the past 3 months.
Labor signs?: I think I had Braxton hicks contractions yesterday in the car, super uncomfortable.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Soft cheeses. I have had a few “pasteurized” ones but if I could eat one thing all the time right now this would be one I would want.
What I'm looking forward to this week: Starting to get Bree’s big girl room put together. Jeremy took down the popcorn ceilings last weekend and is working on painting the ceiling today. I’m going to paint parts of her new bed we bought off the swap and shop site on Facebook. And hopefully within the next week we can decide on a paint color and get those on the walls next weekend. Bree has decided she wants her room painted purple, so we are doing ONE purple wall. I put two swatches on the wall the other day, which I don’t like either, but she was SOOOOO excited when she walked into the room and saw them. Makes me very happy.
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to sweat the small stuff, everything works out in the end.
Milestone: Jeremy feeling the baby move today!