So all of that meant we needed to find a better solution. And our long term solution was to move it to the laundry room - that's why we stacked the washer dryer. Oh haven't been updated. okay, surprise, we got a new washer and dryer! LOL. A couple months ago our dryer died on us so we had to replace them. We got new high efficiency front loaders, and stacked them in the laundry room - that gave us room where the dryer once stood to be able to put in a counter and place the litter box under it. I'll post a whole blog about it soon when everything is complete. But the end result is for the past couple months its just an empty space...and with our new needs to move the cat box somewhere else, it was time to fix that.
I had a plan in my head, but was having some difficulties making it work. So on Saturday my Dad, Howard, came over and helped me finalize my plan. Then on Sunday Jeremy and I went to Home Depot and picked up all the supplies we needed, brought them over to Mom & Howard's house and Jeremy and Howard spent 4 hours in the garage cutting all the pieces and getting everything ready for installation. Unfortunately that was till this weekend I get to paint all the unfinished wood parts so that on Sunday we can hopefully install. Wish us luck!
Aside from crazy home renovations...I've been spending time with friends this week. Monday I went with my coworker Courtney to get a mani and a pedi! ooohhh la la! She's due April 6th but had her last baby was 2 weeks early, so we suspect she could have this 2nd one any time! so exciting. And then last night spent some time with Cari & her daughter Laurel. She's a single mom and handling it great, but it definitely made me come home, kiss my husband and remind him how much I appreciate him. Oh the little things...

How far along?: 28 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 lbs - And I got a lecture last week from my doctor because I'm gaining more than a pound a week :( apparently I need to slow it down. And here I thought I was doing so well! Bummer...
How big is baby?: about 14 3/4 inches, 2 1/4 pounds - about the weight of a chinese cabbage
Maternity clothes?: Definitely
Stretch marks?: No more than before. Still lotioning up 2x or more per day!
Sleep?: This week has been great, I've only gotten up once a night each night and am feeling much better. Jeremy on the other hand is tired...I'm thinking this up at 8 think is a shock to his system!
Best moment this week?: Sunday with my parents. Lots of bonding time and just good family time.
Movement?: All the time. She has decided that she loves to stick her feet (or something) right under the bottom of my ribs on the right side. Yesterday afternoon at a meeting she was doing it so much I just started pushing on that spot to keep her out, it hurts! Apparently she just wasn't going to have that cause she started kicking my hand! was the funniest thing, I think I received about 10 kicks before she just decided to give up.
Food cravings?: None this week, but I've started getting heartburn really bad, which means I'm having to cut out spicy things, tomato sauce type stuff, vinegary things and other things that aggravate it. It really limits my food intake.
Labor signs?: Still nothing, thank god!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Being able to eat what I want without fear of a burning sensation.
What I'm looking forward to this week: LOL - well, last week I was looking forward to getting the office cleaned and in some sort of order....I guess that still needs to be done. But I'm definitely looking forward to finishing the laundry room. I guess getting the house in order is a long term look forward to all around.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy your 2nd trimester...I already see where this trimester is leading, ugh.
Milestone: Interaction with the baby inside of me. She kicked me back!
I can't believe you got a lecture for 17 lbs at 28 weeks - I think that's pretty good! I was at 23 lbs this pregnancy at 28 weeks, and like 44 with Finley - LOL!