In the meantime, here is a picture of me from tonight. I can definitely see a difference from 3 weeks ago.
Our little baby is getting big!!!
How far along?: 21 weeks
Total weight gain: holding strong at 7lbs still....
How big is baby?: 10 1/2 inches from head to heal - the length of a carrot.
Maternity clothes?: Yep, picked up more maternity clothes from my friend Kathryn on Monday, so I have been having fun picking out outfits to wear this week.
Stretch marks?: Nope, and hoping to stay that way.
Sleep?: Pregnancy insomnia is starting to kick in, twice this week I woke up to pee and was up for another 2 hours after the fact. Randomly I still have some energy.
Best moment this week?: Dinner with my mom. Chinese New Year with friends and visiting Kathryn and her little baby boy! (My baby girls's future boyfriend)
Movement?: Oh ya! She's a mover...
Food cravings?: Still craving sweets.
Labor signs?: Still nothing, thank god!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Feeling rested.
What I'm looking forward to this week: One for the money! And going to register at Babies R Us with my mom.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't stress about your registry, you will figure it all out and whatever you get will work!
Milestone: Stepping into tight fitting clothes and accepting that I have a Buddha belly.