Had Jeremy take a picture of my bump last night, I'm getting bigger!
Doctor appointment was rescheduled to the 13th...so I reset my countdown clock...7 days and counting :).

How far along?: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs
How big is baby?: 5.5 inches – the size of a bell pepper.
Maternity clothes?: I gave in. Wore a maternity sweater yesterday, although it didn't seem very maternity. And today I'm in a pair of maternity cords. And wow! I'm in love...why don't people wear these all the time!? comfy comfy comfy.
Stretch marks?: Nope, bought the lotion my friend Jess recommended and have started using it religiously.
Sleep?: Seems like its getting a bit better, although its still hard to get up in the morning. The last two nights I only woke up once! What a treat that was!
Best moment this week?: New Years breakfast! We had a big breakfast the morning of New years, I cooked with a little bit of help from Heather. We had Jason and his daughter spend the night, which it was so great to see them! and then Jeremy and Heather came over in the morning. Add in Travis and we had 7 at the table! It was a really great time, I think I want to make it a tradition!
Movement?: Oh ya! Our little baby is a mover and a shaker! I finally figured out that I think the baby is getting the hiccups after I eat. Every day after dinner when I'm laying on the couch I feel rhythmic movements, and sometimes after lunch too. And then at just random times during the day. And they're getting stronger...Its awesome!
Food cravings?: Not really, although I've noticed all of a sudden I sure do love sweets more.
Labor signs?: Still nothing, thank god!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Not spending 10 minutes looking for clothes that fit! lol. Not missing sushi anymore, Wendy humored me and took me the other day, I had California rolls and tempura rolls, and feel much better :).
What I'm looking forward to this week: Finding out the sex of the baby next Friday!
Weekly Wisdom: When you get there, just start wearing the maternity pants...they're comfy.
Milestone: Continuous movements! Discovering hiccups!
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