We're 98% sure we've decided on a name, but we're waiting a bit to release that. We worked on clearing out the nursery last weekend and wow was that hard. I had Jeremy move all the heavy boxes and items, but the constant movement and picking things up and just general working wore me out! By the end of the day my back hurt, I was exhausted and I felt like my body had gone through the ringer. I guess thats what comes with being pregnant...need to learn to take it easier.
This weekend we are going to celebrate Chinese New Years with one of our good friends and hopefully be able to see my mom for her birthday. We've been snowed in since Monday. Huge snow storm hit the pacific northwest this week. Its been fun to watch the snow come down, and its a beautiful winter wonderland...but I'm ready for it to be over soon. Although working from home has been fun, I miss going into the office and cannot wait till we're back to our normal schedule next week. We did take a fun walk to the store, 3 miles round trip...here are a few pictures of our wonderland on the way!
Our House:
My Snow Angel:
And then back to our weekly baby programming:
How far along?: 20 weeks
Total weight gain: holding strong at 7lbs still
How big is baby?: 6.5 inches from head to rump & 10 inches from head to heal - the length of a banana.
Maternity clothes?: Yep, maternity jeans and pants exclusively, but still wearing my normal sweats around the house. I have a few maternity shirts Ii started wearing, but mostly still in my own stuff...its just a bit tighter now.
Stretch marks?: Nope, and hoping to stay that way
Sleep?: Still okay, waking up 1 or 2x a night to pee.
Best moment this week?: Finding out my baby is a GIRL!
Movement?: Oh ya! She's constantly moving.
Food cravings?: Sweets! Cookies ice cream, you name it. I'm trying to curb them though - my mom gave me this yonana machine that makes frozen yogurt type food from just frozen berries, and it was delicious and hit the spot. Perfect for the pregnant lady who is craving sweets and wants to eat healthy.
Labor signs?: Still nothing, thank god!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Energy, and being able to do a days worth of work without feeling beaten up at the end.
What I'm looking forward to this week: Getting out of the house! We've been snowed in since Monday and I'm tired of being home...
Weekly Wisdom: Don't push yourself to much and get help, ordinary work wears on your body.
Milestone: Finding out the sex of our baby!
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