Friday we went up to Northgate to spend the evening with my good friend Curtis. I'd probably say it was one of the best nights out I've had in a long time, lots of fun, lots of laughter and an overall good time.
Saturday my mom and I went to register at Babies R Us. I was a bit disappointed with Bellevue's selection, had I known better we would have gone to Lynnwood, but we were able to get most of the stuff we needed registered for, with a few things to do research on by the time we left. And by the end of the weekend I had done my research and was fully finished. The bulk of our items are registered at Babies R Us, but there were a handful of items I had to register at Amazon for since Babies R Us either didn't have the right color, or the item I wanted at all. Either way I'm glad that's behind me :). We stopped at Pacific fabrics afterwards and I was super excited to find the fabric I wanted for the nursery curtains (gray chevron baby!). And they even had a great fuzzy gray upholstery fabric that matched for me to redo the rocker for that room. Now I just need to get the correct hue of gray for the room and we can start painting. I'm hoping by the end of February the room will be painted and awaiting my decorating, not that they are the best but we will try!
Saturday night I met Jeremy up at his friends Drew and Diana's house, we had a great time drinking (water for me), laughing and chatting. And then Sunday I met Cari for brunch and then Wendy for a movie. Overall I was all over the Puget Sound region this weekend.
And then we're not slowing down...this coming weekend we're going to a comedy show with my parents on Saturday night and a Super Bowl party at Worm and Heathers house on Sunday. Should be another great time, I can't wait!

How far along?: 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 lbs...I knew I was in for a growth spurt soon!
How big is baby?: 11 inches from head to heal - the length of a spaghetti squash.
Maternity clothes?: Yep, and loving them!
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Sleep?: The night before last I got MAYBE 3 hours of sleep. The only hours I don't remember seeing on the clock was 2 & 3am. Otherwise I saw some version of all the others...I was exhausted yesterday. On the plus side, I slept like a baby last night and feel great today!
Best moment this week?: Curtis's impromptu birthday party. So much fun!
Movement?: Every day all the time. I discovered if I drink orange juice she'll be doing somersaults in my belly about 5 minutes later. And she's gotten so strong Jeremy can feel her now on a regular basis, its awesome!
Food cravings?: Anything sweet.
Labor signs?: Still nothing, thank god!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Not having to be the designated driver every time we go out. Not that I miss drinking, cause I don't...I just hate driving!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Picking out paint colors for the babies room.
Weekly Wisdom: The later you stay up, the harder it is to get up...exponentially so when your pregnant.
Milestone: Done registering! Yay!
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