This week has been amazing. Jeremy took down the popcorn ceilings, painted the ceiling and together we painted the baby's room. Afterwards we put together the crib, its crazy to think that in 3 months or so we'll have a little baby to put in there. Every time I walk by the room I can't help but peek in and smile.
In addition Jeremy accepted a job offer as a contractor for AT&T. He'll be starting March 5th, and we are super excited! The timing could not be more perfect.
Overall this week has been a great week...and I hope to see that continuing. Tomorrow Wendy and I are going to take a trip to Ikea and pick up the dresser parts for the room and by this weekend we should have most of the furniture in the room and I can start thinking about how we're going to decorate. I'll post pictures when we get all of that up!
In the belly is getting big! Here is a pic from tonight:
So far the pregnancy has gone amazingly, however the last week has thrown some of those bad pregnancy symptoms my way. I've been getting heartburn on a regular basis, yesterday I noticed my legs were slightly swollen, and last night I had a pretty bad leg cramp. I guess I was due to have some eventually....
On a side note, I'm still waiting for that random stranger to mention my pregnancy. You know, make some sort of comment, ask when I'm due...NOTHING! I mean, if you look at the picture above, I look pretty pregnant right? I have yet to have anyone I didn't know say anything to me. Weird...

How far along?: 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs
How big is baby?: 13.5 inches from head to heal, 1.5 lbs! The size of a rutabaga.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely
Stretch marks?: Same ones from last week - lotioning up 2x per day now! (or more if I go to the gym!)
Sleep?: Horrible. The last two nights I have not gotten much sleep. Last night I felt fine all day, but then when I laid down to go to bed the heart burn I started feeling this week came on in exponential force. It felt like I had lava in my throat and I was about to ignite into flames. I took medicine, walked around but nothing helped, finally drank some milk around 2am and was able to fall asleep for a little while...only to be woken up at 4am with the worst cramp in my leg that I've ever felt! Even in the morning I could still feel the remnants of it. Horrible. Needless to say, I hope I can get some sleep tonight.
Best moment this week?: Finding out Jeremy got the job! *happy dance*
Movement?: All the time.
Food cravings?: None this week.
Labor signs?: Still nothing, thank god!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: SLEEP.
What I'm looking forward to this week: Going to Ikea and getting the remaining furniture for the room and working with Heather this weekend to make curtains!
Weekly Wisdom: When your waiting so desperately for something and it just doesn't seem to want to happen, it really does mean that something better is on its way.
Milestone: Got the room painted!
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