In addition to that, our friend Heather started painting the nursery! She's a fantastic artist and offered to paint a mural on the wall, so we're doing a simple looks AWESOME! She's only half way done and I'm soooo excited, I can't wait to see it completed. Sorry, no pic's till its done! ;)
Her and Jeremy are coming over tonight for dinner and to continue working on it. Should be a good night. Jeremy has been friends with my husband since they were tiny tots...they're pretty much family. I picture my little girl running around and talking about Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Heather :) Yep...I'm getting sappy in my last trimester.
The closet system for the baby's room came on Monday, so Jeremy (mine!) and me emptied the closet of the stuff that was there and painted in the blank spots. I'm hoping by this weekend we can get the system up so I can start putting things away. It is also suppose to be nice out we're hoping we might be able to get a good chunk of the landscaping in the backyard done too. Its going to be another busy weekend, and I don't even want to think about the fact that I still need to finish our taxes....ugh!

How far along?: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 19 lbs
How big is baby?: About 16 inches, 3.3 pounds - the weight of 4 navel oranges
Maternity clothes?: Of course.
Stretch marks?: No more than before. I'm thinking my lotion regiment is working! Hope it continues that way.
Sleep?: Having a hard time getting up this week - my hair has basically been in a bun every day due to the fact that I can't get up in time to have the time to do it!
Best moment this week?: Finishing the laundry room. And potato skins on Sunday night with my honey. Thanks Black Angus!
Movement?: Less kicks more wiggles lately. And she's been getting the hiccups again, THAT is a weird feeling.
Food cravings?: Sweets Sweets Sweets! This morning I HAD to have a donut. And I've had 2 red velvet cupcakes this week. I swear she's going to come out tinged with red...
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: Still In.
What I miss: Being able to do yard work. We went to flower world this weekend to pick up a tree, a rhododendron and a hydrangea for the backyard. While we were there I picked up 3 heathers for the front yard - I was able to get them planted when we got home...but man was I exhausted afterwards!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Finishing the backyard maybe? or putting up the closet system. Or seeing a more complete painting in the baby's room! I'm just looking forward to getting more house stuff done in general. I'll feel a whole lot better when we don't have so much on our plate.
Weekly Wisdom: Get your stuff done early, cause the 3rd trimester is more tiring than the 1st! And that's saying a bunch!
Milestone: Doctor says I'm gaining perfectly! No lecture for me! :) Not really a milestone...but a good thing for development purposes!
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