One of those plans last week included a painting class with Wendy. Oh what fun it was! Look what I made for our office:

And then this past Sunday we had my friend baby shower! Wendy and my mom put it together and they did a wonderful job! It was so much fun and my friends and old coworkers really went all out with beautiful gifts for Brianne. I can't wait to finish putting the room together and put everything away. I'll post pic's of the shower soon. I have one more shower on the 29th that is family and family friends, it will be nice to see some that I haven't seen in a long time.

How far along?: 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
How big is baby?: About 17 inches, 4 pounds - the weight of a pineapple!
Maternity clothes?: Yep, also wearing some flowy dresses in this nice weather and I am happy it is spring so I can wear my flats, although my feet seem a bit bigger than normal due to swelling so I can only fit in the ones that were kind of loose before.
Stretch marks?: Still no more. It pays to lotion up!
Sleep?: Last week my legs were cramping so I didn't get the best sleep, but this week has been better.
Best moment this week?: My baby shower! It was so good to spend time with friends. Before the shower I went and had coffee with my girlfriend Kathryn and a pedicure with my girlfriend Wesa. Both were wonderful and it was great to get out of the house and not work for once!
Movement?: hiccup! hiccup! hiccup!
Food cravings?: Nothing new.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: Still In.
What I miss: Energy, and being able to deal with long days without physical repercussions.
What I'm looking forward to this week: Putting the closet system together in the babies room so I can start putting everything away! Oh - and going to CATS on Saturday!
Weekly Wisdom: Take some time to relax, and don't plan to much after work just in case.
Milestone: Started my 2 week appointments - still gaining perfectly. 1mm per week, with only 7 weeks left I don't think my belly is going to get much bigger...but we will see!
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